Maximize the benefits of your hotel reservations with our Reservations Club loyalty program
We understand the importance of every trip and want to reward your loyalty.
Join our exciting loyalty program and start accumulating points with every hotel night you book through our platform.
Join our exciting loyalty program now!
Be ready to maximize the value of your hotel reservations and earn additional rewards for your loyalty? Join our incentive program today and discover the amazing rewards available to you.
If you are already part of the program, please enter your credentials to access the program. If you are not part of the program and would like to join, please visit the page and click on “Register” to complete the steps. Upon completing the process, you will receive a welcome email.
If you need support with additional information, please contact us through the following email:
Get Your Corporate Rate
Choice Hotels makes corporate travel easy, effective and more satisfying for business travellers. Discover more about our corporate travel rates.