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Find Charleston Hotel Deals

Check out Charleston hotel deals and save big when you mix in a few affordable activities. There’s certainly no shortage of cultural, historic and sporting activities to enjoy in ChuckTown—and throughout South Carolina’s Low Country. Many venues charge admission fees, but you could literally spend days here without making a dent in your bank account. Here’s just a sampling.



Discover Charleston’s Affordable Activities


Take Free Tours by Foot for a customized introduction to Charleston

 One of the best ways to get acquainted with any new city is by taking a guided walking tour—and the options are plentiful here. The good news for your budget is that, with Free Tours by Foot, you decide how much to pay after the tour ends. After all, traveling on a budget means your Charleston hotel deal isn’t the only bargains you know how to

Head to the Battery for a great view

Charleston is best seen from the outside, and the Battery is the perfect place to take it all in. Stately antebellum mansions line the waterfront as you peer across the harbor to see Fort Sumter, where the first shot of the Civil War was fired. Walk through the live oaks in White Point Garden, where you’ll also see cannons and stacked cannonballs left over from the Revolutionary and Civil wars.

Stroll the Rainbow Row

Stroll the Rainbow Row, one of the most recognizable sections of town. It’s where 13 brightly painted buildings from the 1700s still stand.

Appreciate theater at the Dock Street Theater

Appreciate theater at the Dock Street Theater. America’s first expression of its commitment to the performing arts occurred in 1736, when this theater opened. It’s still a performance venue today, but you don’t have to buy a ticket just to see the grounds. Ask nicely, and you might be able to peek inside, too.

The historic and new meet at Charleston City Market.

The historic and new meet at Charleston City Market. For about 225 years, people have been shopping for goods and trinkets here. Browse local artisans’ crafts, like the popular sweetgrass baskets, and treat yourself to some saltwater taffy.



Charleston Hotels

Find your Charleston hotel deal at Choice Hotels and enjoy a memorable vacation on a budget. Your comfortable guest room and travel-essential amenities will make this trip your best one yet.


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