Top Charlotte Hotels
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Hotel Packages
Choice Hotels makes vacation planning easy by providing bundled hotel packages when you stay 3 nights or more at select hotels.
See Charlotte Like a Local
Enjoy Charlotte on a Budget
- NASCAR Hall of Fame is usually the first stop for auto-racing fans visiting Charlotte. With displays of vehicles driven by legendary drivers, along with the uniforms they wore, the facility also features photographs, short films, multimedia presentations and a variety of items related to NASCAR.
- Play, relax and learn at the U.S. National Whitewater Center (USNWC), which offers a wide variety of outdoor activities for all ages and skill levels on its 1,100-acre campus on the Catawba River. An all-day pass allows visitors to participate in programs, classes, races and more. The River Jam concert series presents music on Thursday and Saturday evenings throughout the summer, and nine other festivals are held throughout the year.
Things to do in Charlotte
Historical sites, major sporting events, hiking & kayaking - Charlotte's got it all.
Nightlife in Charlotte
A hot spot for music, cuisine and entertainment—from fancy to down-home.
How to Travel with Friends
Hit the road for adventure and make the most of your trip with friends.
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