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Meetings Well Planned

At Cambria Hotels, the core Commitment to Clean initiative has been extended to include special guidance for events. Flexible meeting room layout options may include configurations to allow for physical distancing. Personal hand sanitizer will be available in guest rooms, and you’ll find hand sanitizing stations in high-traffic spaces. Also choose from several service-style dining options with plated or boxed meals, including to-go service and socially distanced dining in our indoor and outdoor meeting spaces.


Hand sanitizer

Personal sanitizer will be available in all guest rooms. Hand sanitizing stations will be available in high-traffic spaces.

Commitment to Clean Captains

Every Cambria hotel designates a “Commitment to Clean Captain” to complete best-in-class cleanliness training. This staff member is responsible for incorporating the new protocols into the hotel’s operations.

Elevated cleanliness best practices

Our approach to infection prevention includes a close association with the industry-leading experts at Ecolab. Our guidance includes using hospital-grade disinfectant approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to combat the spread of COVID-19, particularly in high-traffic areas like meeting spaces. Cambria hotels also require that all non-essential items and clutter be removed from meeting spaces.

Face coverings

Following public health guidance, we require all hotel guests, employees and visitors to use face coverings in hotel common areas.

Flexible, customizable events

Flexible policies

Cambria Hotels offers flexible booking and cancellation policies, so you can make the travel decisions that are right for your group and adjust plans if needed.

Flexible meeting room layouts

Meeting room layouts can be adjusted to suit your event needs. Flexible layout options may include configurations that promote physical distancing between guests.

Catering options

We’ve reinvented our banquet menus to include branded to-go boxes that feature innovative food and beverage items made with locally sourced ingredients. Guests may also choose from several service-style options with plated or boxed meals, including to-go service and socially distanced dining in our indoor and outdoor meeting spaces.

Cambria contactless concierge

Our Cambria Contactless Concierge is designed for your convenience and peace of mind. Use this text messaging service to request banquet service, share your A/V needs or even have the meeting room temperature adjusted.

Meeting Planner Guide

COVID-19 has changed the way planners evaluate venues, and the way venues support planners. To help you navigate this new environment and assess how it may affect your event needs, we’ve put together a guide with key questions for you to consider throughout the planning process.